1) Reflection 1: As we are studying behavioural sciences, psychological disorders, and listening to a talk today about the newest research about the neurological basis of anxiety disorders and cognitive behavioural therapy, I begin to see more of the human nature and the sins we have. Some disorders such as paraphillias, or the around 15 or so sexual disorders, included the definition of impacting function of life. As I was thinking this past week studying these disorders, we may all have some symptoms of some of these disorders, but its to the extent in which we display that defines a disorder. I couldn't help but think that these are sins- human nature- in which if we don't stop will manifest into behaviours which detrimentally impacts our lives. Because God has foresight, he hates the sin. This separation is detrimental to us as we see when we engage in sinful behaviourals it spirals to become destructable to us, at which in this point we realize- its a disorder.
"Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion;23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude],24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness" Romans 5:3-5
2) Reflection 2: We all like to feel dignified. What is dignity? "Our view of our own dignity or worth can be
compromised by an over-concern with the views
of others, which stems from status anxiety-a
worry that we are in danger in failing to conform
to the ideals of success laid down by our society.
A proper response to develop dignity is to
develop the ability to reflect critically and
objectively on ourselves and on our actions so
that we need to rely less on the views of others,
and to consider our own measure of success and
to consider more who we are, and why we need
ethical concepts such as dignity." So it made me think how I find my worth and how I measure success. Interesting, because under God's wings we don't need society's definition of worthiness, we are worthy no matter what. He has adopted us as daughters and sons in Christ NEVER abandoned because of our "lack of success". He knows that we are not perfect and cannot conform to the ideals and successes laid out by His standards the law. In fact, if we do things under our own power,
"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves... but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant..." - 2 Corinthians 3:4-6And remember, as our whole dependence is upon the Lord, so the whole glory belongs to him alone. The letter killeth: the letter of the law is the ministration of death; and if we rest only in the letter of the gospel, we shall not be the better for so doing: but the Holy Spirit gives life spiritual, and life eternal.The law made known sin, and the wrath and curse of God; it showed us a God above us, and a God against us; but the gospel makes known grace, and Emmanuel, God with us. Therein the righteousness of God by faith is revealed; and this shows us that the just shall live by his faith; this makes known the grace and mercy of God through Jesus Christ, for obtaining the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The gospel so much exceeds the law in glory, that it eclipses the glory of the legal dispensation. But even the New Testament will be a killing letter, if shown as a mere system or form, and without dependence on God the Holy Spirit, to give it a quickening power.
3) We are learning about the different psychosocial stages from Erikson's theory. Through our journey on earth, interacting with others and our surroundings, we each have several stages on conflicts to conquer. And once we pass this stage we attain virtues to help us. So too is our Christian life when we are said to be reborn. We are given a whole new thought life.
The first stage of Erikson's theory is trust vs. mistrust. If we have loving caregivers that consistently care and provide for us as we allow them to and experience their love, we develop trust. However, if we are to be reared by caregivers who are inconsistent with their care, we see the world with a mistrustful eye. Similarly, as Christians, when we experience Christ and His love, we understand that His provisions and His love is unchanging, unshakeable and ALWAYS there, better than any caregiver. Because of this we attain the virtue hope in God, an undeserving gift which God has given to us to face the world's "crisis". But it takes tribulations/crisis, perseverance through circumstances as we learn to FULLY SURRENDER and TRUST God, character of faith, and finally hope which DOES NOT DISAPPOINT! The last stage of Erikson's theory is the crisis of integrity vs.
"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." - Romans 3:3-5
4) What is success in God's eyes?
"God's call is for you to be his loyal friend, to accomplish His purposes and goals for your life" - Oswald Chambers
"Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." - God (Joshua 1:8)
"He who pursues righteousness (close & right fellowship with God) and love, finds life, prosperity, and honor." - God (Proverbs 21:21)
"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves... but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant..." - 2 Corinthians 3:4-6
What are your successes?
- http://www.intimacywithgod.com/success.html
Are you willing to TOTALLY surrender your life to God?
"Someone once asked Dr. Bill Bright , founder of Campus Crusade For Christ, how did you know what God was calling you to do with your life ? I keep waiting to find my purpose, but feel so lost. Dr. Bright said "the most important way to know God's will is to totally surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Ask Him to guide your steps. You are in God's will if you are surrendered to Him. The God who created everything guides our steps. All He wants is surrender and he'll tell us what he wants us to do. Don't give much thought to what you will do in the future ... Surrender to Him now and he will guide you in the rest. I live by Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you both to will and to act according to His good purpose." So as I walk in the Spirit I can know that God will guide my steps. For example, in 1951 my wife and I decided we wanted to be total servants to Jesus. We wrote out a contract and fully surrendered everything we owned or would own to Jesus. Approximately 24 hours later God gave me the vision we called Campus Crusade For Christ. I'm sure if there had been no surrender and contract with God there would have been no vision. You can know God's will by full surrender to Christ, and by allowing the Holy Spirit to control you." “To fulfill God’s perfect design for you requires your total surrender - complete abandonment of yourself to Him.” - Oswald Chambers"
As I start my 2nd year of medical school and have more time to reflect on how I want to use my career to glorify you, Lord humble me. Lord and as a lot of anxious thoughts come my way with big exams, let me not think about the successes of the world but be renewed in my thinking to be guided by your successes- to store up treasures in heaven. Lord I know that I cannot let the word depart from me and it should be binded in my heart, meditating on verses day and night. Teach me to see and go abouts the world through your lenses. Give me the confidence to live by your truths and promises. Thank you God for giving me worth, letting me be apart of your plan. Give me the bravery to TOTALLY surrender my life to you daily. Develop in me love, a passion and joy in what you planned for me to do as I learn to TOTALLY surrender my life to you. Amen
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